Course Description

This is a master course in appointment setting and scheduling more discovery calls B2B by someone that smiled and dialed his way to set 2,000+ C-Level appointments in diverse industries. All the core scripting and call process strategies you need to jump-start or launch an outreach program that can realistically connect you to buyers is in here. I learned it by doing it and making mistake after mistake and testing, testing, testing to come up with a system that works. That, plus teaching others to do this for 20 years. You or your sales team can avoid the mistakes and launch or improve a program quickly with these strategies.

Includes monthly live "Deep Dive" and ask me anything session. Attend live or the recording will be available in your dashboard.

WHY THIS COURSE: I have presented this content in 2-day, 1-day and 1/2 day formats. Time is always an issue with so much to cover. Beginners and the more experienced need different approaches. All benefit from being able to learn at their own pace and select the lessons they need when they need them, and how deep they need to dive. An online course has no time limitations. I can provide summaries and more detailed lessons on strategies. You choose what you need. All content is always there for review. 

FORMAT: Content is organized in the order you would work if building a program from scratch. Every module has a field guide PDF download summarizing the key concepts with worksheets, examples, checklists and whatever you need to complete that step. Audio lessons of between 2 and 7 minutes supplement the module field guides. Beginners would probably use both side by side. Those more advanced may find that the module field guides jumpstart them and use specific audio lessons to supplement or go deeper on certain strategies. At all times you can zero in on only the lessons you need.

The monthly live sessions are an opportunity for an update and deeper exploration of popular topics. Plus, any questions you have will be answered. 

GUARANTEE: The course comes with a 90-day full satisfaction no questions asked guarantee. 

COURSE CAN BE COMBINED WITH COACHING OR TEAM TRAINING. Please contact us to discuss your situation and options. 978-282-5600.

TEAM TRAINING: If you would like this course customized for your company please contact me. The content can be posted privately online, delivered live onsite or remotely, used to supplement coaching & training or some combination of these. Call 978-282-5600 or use form here. 

PERSONAL COACHING: For more personalized guidance review coaching options here

Contact us if you have any questions. 978-282-5600

Scott Channell

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction & Welcome

    • Welcome

    • What You Will Learn

    • Meet Your Trainer Scott Channell

    • Introduction Module Survey

  • 2

    Before You Take One Step: Understand What Drives Appointment Setting Success

    • PDF Download: Core Drivers and Key Principles of Appointment Setting and Scripting Success

    • Intro to Core Drivers and Key Principles

    • Core Driver #1: The Buyers Are Out There

    • Core Driver #2: You Must Work Within High Probability Zones

    • Core Belief #3: Bumping Into Buyers - Efficiency and Velocity

  • 3

    Sales Scripts Creation: Clarity, Credibility and Benefits Valued by Your Prospects

    • To enable the "buyers" to recognize you are worth their time within seconds, you must laser focus on them only.

    • Why "good scripts" won't save you... unless other parts are in place first.

    • "People are busy." So what. Lies and oher myths that can derail you from doing what works.

    • Who is more likely to sell the most? Rate yourself on these factors.

    • Throwing potential verbiage and phrases onto your "Pile of Words." Great scripts arise from a tall pile.

    • Describing "what you do," with clarity and no hype. Signaling "buyers" with needs to listen up.

    • How do they know you are more worthy than the rest? Craft a knock em over credibility statement.

    • Benefits. Those that communicate the most benefits that matter to the buyers win. How to phrase and relate benefits.

    • What is your value exchange? They give you time to get what? If what is worth more than their time, you win. If not, you don't.

    • Asking. A key to getting to yes. How to ask for what you want.

    • Handling Objections. Core Principles You Must Understand Before You Can Write Effective Responses

    • Objection Responses: 3-Part Structure To Respond To Any Form of Resistance

    • "We Are All Set" Objection Response

    • "Call Me Back" Objection Response: Handle This Correctly or Be Doomed to Making Follow-Up Calls to Time-Wasters.

    • Respond to the "Send Me Some Information" Blow-Off. This has a response format all its own. Separate the buyers from the time-wasters

    • The Magic Question. Stupid simple question you must ask to turn dead-end calls into qualified opportunities.

    • Verbiage to ID the Decision-Maker and Pick Up Info Re Potential Worth

    • Voicemail Verbiage. 20-second format that supports your process and gives you your best shot at getting a return call

    • Repetitive Scenarios. Good News and Bad. You can ID and learn how best to handle common situations. Bad News... You Must Do It Over and Over.

    • Sample Call Script Path Dissected. Multiple Script Examples/Paths. Part 1.

    • Sample Call Script Path Dissected. Multiple Script Examples/Paths. Part 2.

    • Sales Script Prep Guidebook: Crafting Your "Pile of Words." PDF. V1.0.

  • 4

    Call Process

    • Result Codes to use when you complete a call

    • Call Process Step Codes to Use

  • 5

    Bonus: Pile of words update

    • Intro to pile of words bonus lesson

    • Pile of Words: Lesson from Script Sprint

    • Crafting your pile of words PDF

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.